@article{sporea_comparative_2020, title = {Comparative assessment of dexterity tests results using two internationally recognized scales in patients with cerebral palsy, users of medical textiles}, volume = {71}, issn = {12225347}, url = {http://revistaindustriatextila.ro/images/2020/4/013%20CORINA%20SPOREA_Industria%20Textila%204_2020.pdf}, doi = {10.35530/IT.071.04.20205}, abstract = {The recent studies report an increase in the percentage of newborns diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP) in industrialized countries due to the increased survival rate of infants with low birth weight. The assessment of the upper limb motor function and manual skills are important steps in achieving a suitable multi-modal therapeutical plan, aiming at gaining functional independence and early integration into society. The study seeks to identify how the motor deficiency present at the level of the upper limbs influences the manual skills of CP patients reflected in daily activities (Activities of Daily Living – ADL) and using medical textiles. 35 patients diagnosed with CP were assessed during hospitalization using, for the comparative reflection of ADL dexterity assessment results, at the same patient, quantified, the Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) scale and ABILHAND-Kids. A highly significant correlation was found, the ABILHAND-Kids score being moderately correlated with the ARAT score, obtained in the upper limb with more deficient functionality (0.578) and respectively with better functionality (0.570). The assessment of the child suffering of CP, using the ABILHAND-Kids questionnaire and the ARAT test provides to the rehabilitation team useful information, with the benefit of complementarity for the elaboration, based on several correlated elements, of the case management plan and methodology. Proper treatment, instituted early, can have a favorable influence on the social integration of these people. A remarkable contribution has been made by the textile domain which, through its sustained concerns regarding the research and development of biotechnologies and biomaterials, proves its permanent concern in supporting and integrating these people.}, number = {04}, urldate = {2020-09-14}, journal = {Industria Textila}, author = {Sporea, Corina and Florescu, Margareta Stela and Ferechide, Dumitru and Cristescu, Ioan}, month = aug, year = {2020}, pages = {388--392} }