@article{lakhal_influence_2021, title = {Influence of environmental factors on the working rhythm in a clothing industry}, volume = {72}, issn = {1222-5347}, url = {http://www.revistaindustriatextila.ro/images/2021/1/15%20AMIRA%20LAKHAL%20Industria%20Textila%201_2021.pdf}, doi = {10.35530/IT.072.01.1563}, abstract = {The working environment is an essential element for the health and safety of the work and for the improvement of productivity. So, the conditions in the clothing industry are the most productive of occupational diseases such as MSDs, deafness and eye diseases. In this paper, we made an analysis of the environment in a clothing industry for each workplace using the NF EN ISO 2612 standard to analyze the level of sound exposure, the standard NBN EN 12464-1 is used to analyze the level of light for a sewing workplace. The noise level varies between 73 dBA and 90.5 dBA depending on the type of workplace. The lighting at the working zone varies between 240 lx and 1100 lx. The average temperature level varies between 28°C for the ironing stations and 26°C for the other stations and the average humidity level is 50\%. The percentage of quality varies between 0 and 5\%. An objective method was developed to determine the general pace of a sewing post which contains the atmosphere factors with regard to the noise level, the lighting level, the level of quality, the temperature level and the humidity. According to these parameters, the average pace of the studied group decreased from 98 to 78.}, language = {English}, number = {1}, journal = {Industria Textila}, author = {LAKHAL, AMIRA and SEJRI, NEJIB and JAAFAR, FADHEL and CHAABOUNI, YASSINE and CHEIKHROUHOU, MORCHED}, month = feb, year = {2021}, pages = {108--113}, }