@article{cui_study_nodate, title = {A study on detection of roving tension and fine control of yarn breakage}, volume = {72}, issn = {1222-5347}, url = {http://www.revistaindustriatextila.ro/images/2021/3/03%20CUI%20PENG%20Industria%20Textila%203_2021.pdf}, doi = {http://doi.org/10.35530/IT.072.03.1757}, abstract = {The fine control of yarn breakage is essential for the production of better yarn quality by reducing the tension fluctuation of roving. The detection of roving tension provides important information regarding the yarn formation during spinning. In the present work, we developed a device for roving-tension detection and regulation, which greatly reduces the yarn breakage rate and improves the production efficiency of ring spinning. By analysing the factors affecting the roving tensions, we used a signal acquisition system in conjunction with the tension detection device to regulate the spindle rotate speed to realize the fine control of yarn breakage. Our results indicate that the proposed method can ensure a uniform spinning tension of the yarn in ring spinning, which significantly reduces the yarn breakage rate, and boost the yarn production. Our work paves the way toward the rational production of high-quality yarn.}, language = {English}, number = {3}, journal = {Industria Textila}, author = {CUI, PENG and XUE, YUAN}, pages = {250--255}, }