@article{vasilica_manea_vegetable_2022, title = {Vegetable culture vs. climate change {Innovative} solutions {Part} 2. {Research} on the influence of shadow with different textile materials of {Rubiniu} onion plants ({Allium} {Cepa})}, volume = {73}, issn = {1222-5247}, url = {http://revistaindustriatextila.ro/images/2022/3/015%20VASILICA%20MANEA%20Industria%20Textila%203_2022.pdf}, doi = {10.35530/IT.073.03.202121}, abstract = {Onion is an important vegetable in Romanian cuisine, implicitly in vegetable growing. The pedoclimatic conditions in our country are favourable for this culture. Onion shading technologies are rare, even in small areas. A Rubiniu red onion culture was established, in the agricultural year 2019. Three types of textile materials were used (2 of them were provided by INCDTP Bucharest), to overshadow the experimental variants and an unshaded witness. The present study aimed to observe the growth of the studied plants, shaded with different types of textile material, in the context of climate change. The analysed results indicate a positive influence of shading on plant growth and development compared to the control variant.}, language = {English}, number = {3}, journal = {Industria Textila}, author = {{VASILICA MANEA} and {FLOAREA BURNICHI} and {DUMITRU-MITEL TOMA} and {EMILIAN MIREA} and {ALEXANDRU-CRISTIAN TOADER} and {BOGDAN-GABRIEL STAICU} and {ANGELA DOROGAN} and {TEODOR SARBU}}, month = jun, year = {2022}, pages = {339--344}, }